Pave the Earth with Asphalt!

The Creed [tm] is a list of beliefs and ideals that any Paver should hold dear to their heart. This is the Traditional Creed [tm], which is posted weekly to a.p.t.e.

The Creed [tm] of the Pavers, by Pete Gontier.

We believe in a completely Paved Earth.
Earth is cursed with trees, shrubs, grass, and scurrying creatures. With every breath We act to right this terrible wrong.

We believe in The Plan [tm].
The Plan [tm] is the final word; it brings us the knowledge of the twin pleasures: Speed and Convenience.

We believe food should be enjoyed.
"Nutrition" is an aberration of human nature. The juicy Burger [tm] and hearty Beer [tm] are Our sacrament.

We believe in the Depletion of scarce natural resources.
Some see the vessel as half full; others see it as half-empty; We pour it out on the floor and laugh.

We believe in a sky roiling with Smog.
The color blue should appear nowhere but the paint on Our HyperCars [tm].